Waterpebble to save water

How much water do you need to wash? How much instead do we waste it unnecessarily? In the summer with intense heatwaves, the consumption of a fundamental and precious resource, like water, increases considerably, especially in the form of showers to refresh our heated bodies.

Already small simple rules can help reduce water waste: prefer to shower in the bathroom, close the tap while we are soaping, brush the teeth or shave, insert the devices break-jet, etc. But all this is not enough. To solve this problem, Paul Priestman, an industrial designer, created Waterpebble.

What is Waterpebble for?

It is a pebble of water that helps monitor the amount of water used for the shower. Waterpebble is made of totally recyclable material and is based on the simple calculation of the amount of water used that, through LED lights, warn the user if he is behaving virtuously or not. A green light indicates an economic consumption, yellow indicates a level close to the waste, red an excessive consumption.

The device has a memory for the water used during the first shower. In this way, it makes use of this datum as a reference for the following ones: it allows to reduction the duration of the water flow and; consequently, the energy necessary to heat it.

When we talk about domestic hot water, let’s not forget that it takes large amounts of electricity to heat it up. This is why it is important to consume less water if we also want to reduce energy consumption; in this way, it will be possible to achieve a double objective with minimum effort.

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