Energy Saving

The 5 ways to heat the house and save energy

Rationalize the heating in an economical, ecological and functional you can. Existing methods based on non-renewable energy sources and often not compatible with the environment are not sustainable in the long term. Best to start right now to look around and in our small way to equip domestic environments with alternative solutions.

Especially if we are going to renovate our house. We offer five that with a small initial investment allow to Air-conditioner the house by saving energy, reducing emissions and especially containing costs. All this without lowering our standard of living.

1. Control panel wall heater. One of the latest is the paintings on the wall heater, an innovative eco heating system that provides great economic benefits and efficient ecological heating. Thanks to their innovative technology, in less than 2 minutes are already capable of heating without local problems of about 20 -25 square meters, consuming much less of the traditional heating systems.

2. Solar Collectors. Solar collectors used in heating systems for the production of hot water we had already spoken. Generally for domestic heating, there are two types of flat plate collectors, the most used and cheapest that can be used even if the sky is cloudy and concentrating collectors, which use only the direct radiation but produce higher temperatures.

Of primary importance, it is able to compare the old system boilers/heaters and solar panels/heaters and radiator’s new generation. As for savings, it appears that an underfloor heating system next-generation lowers the cost of fuel by 50%, while more savvy devices, which use only in areas livable (or work areas) can cut costs by up to 70 %.

3. Floor heating. The systems of floor heating are easy to install and extremely cheap, both for laying and for the management. With these systems, the entire floor becomes a heating surface the width of which allows lowering the water temperature up to 30°C. Moreover, new technologies in the field of heating are finding valid answers also in systems that use solar energy at zero cost and ensure comfortable temperatures in the full respect of the environment.

4. Wood boiler. Another solution, especially in isolated areas, is used pellet stoves, wood or corn, which reached a fairly high level of efficiency and reliability and also does not produce toxic fumes, as they burn only natural fuels.

5. Infrared heating. Infrared heating is a new system that allows to heat without dissipating heat. The normal radiators heat the air, and this warms the surrounding environment. With infrared practically there is a step, directly heating people and objects in the house. The heating by radiation emits heat in the form of infrared radiation, similar to the heat of the sun, producing a thermal comfort directly on the body.

The heat thus generated is absolutely clean, environmentally friendly and even beneficial to the body, greatly reducing consumption and costs.

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