How to share your Car

An automobile has, usually, four or five places. Have you ever thought to share yours? Maybe share the car could be a ploy to make new friends. When you just cannot do without the car, you can make intelligent use which greatly reduces fuel consumption and pollution.

Traveling by car is just a big waste of energy, it is true, you cannot always avoid it, but you can try to do something to optimize travel. We begin, for example, by parents who accompany daily and picking up the kids at school. Coordinate between the parents might be a good idea, no one has to sacrifice.

You can take turns or work together with the costs of fuel. If you live in the city where there is no programs ” car sharing “, you can start one starting from your relatives, neighbors and fellow citizens.

Coordinate the use of the vehicle in the family or to coordinate several families to share the car saves money, time and city pollution. For example, you can use only one car, maybe a turn or divide the expenses to go to work or to take the kids to school if they do occur adequate public transport.

Among the neighbors, women could organize to go shopping together and why not, to share the car might be a good way for new relations and give a twist to your friends.

Often you live next to each other without even knowing; the habits of a good neighborhood, with car-sharing, could increase exponentially as well as social relations individual returning to a more open relational mode: cooperation between neighboring families or fellow citizens seem to be very rare, share the car would open a new crack so as to bring interaction and collaboration in the daily life of each of us.

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