Energy Saving

How to save energy in the office

We spend most of our time in office, so it is important to try to implement here all the little daily good deeds that allow us to achieve great energy savings by eliminating it at the root of the problem of pollution and emission of carbon dioxide in the air.

If in all the offices is to follow the simple guidelines that now we bring you the world could finally breathe a sigh of relief and feel more strong, fit, healthy. Come along then to find out everything you can do to make your office truly eco-friendly.

A computer is a tool now essential for any kind of work, but a tool that requires a lot of electricity for their own needs. Always remember, then turn off your computer every time you leave the office for at least 30 minutes, eliminating obviously the stand-by screen.

Every time you leave the office for a rather less time turning off the computer would be counterproductive, but you can always put on stand-by at least the screen in order to consume a lot less energy. The exact same considerations must be made for other electronic devices such as a printer in the office, for example, scanner, copiers.

Even these instruments must remain completely turned off and be deprived of the stand-by mode when not used for long periods of time and must instead be put on stand by when they pass from one use to another less than 30 minutes.

Even the elevator at the office works on electricity, and it wastes a lot of really, just think of it that every elevator ride at a price of about 10 euro cents. If you can avoid taking it and then choose to place the stairs, also a way to make a little exercise and keep fit.

Another factor to consider is lighting. Nowadays, there is on the market only energy-saving light bulbs, but choosing the LED to be able to save even more intense. The LED bulbs, not only consume much less than traditional energy-saving lamps but also have a much longer life.

Although today the artificial lighting is low energy, in an office, it is important to remember to take advantage as much as possible the natural light coming through the windows. Do your heavy curtains or blinds of all types, natural light is better than artificial, has no cost and warm environment in which we work without the need to turn on so many hours heating.

The heating must also be adjusted to a temperature between 18° and 20°, never at a higher temperature. If you can also install a thermostat, the last generation that has as its energy-saving option, later this month will see the difference even in the electricity bill arrives in the office.

Always remember also to let it breathe radiators and do check the fixtures to be free from drafts. Not only heat the office involves a great waste of energy and also makes it cooler during the summer. In summer then remember to adjust the thermostat of the air conditioner to a temperature of about 25°.

Lastly, both heating the air conditioner should always be switched off half an hour before leaving the office.

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