How to dispose of the asbestos

Dispose of Eternit is a very dangerous practice that first sees the detection of asbestos in your home and design of operations to remove it. After configuring, you can decide whether to engage in the enterprise or refer to a specialist company. Before continuing with this article, it might be useful to read the guide ” How to clean up asbestos. ”


The word ” Eternit ” is derived from the Latin aeternitas, eternity; It was designed in 1901 by Ludwig Hatschek, but only in 1903 with the opening of the factory SCHWEIZEREISCHE ETERNITWERKE AG at Nierderurnen began production on a large scale. Since the law of 27 March 1992. 257 have banned asbestos, how to dispose of the Eternit (asbestos trade name) has become a concern for businesses and citizens.

Given the environmental hazard of eternity and the risks to people’s health, the law has provided specific procedures for the disposal of Eternit and rigid that it cannot be done by anyone, but only from companies listed in the National Register of merchant services disposal of waste.

How to dispose of asbestos

Asbestos can only be removed by qualified personnel as prescribed by law. It requires the permission of the municipality and the local health preventive control of the company. Until it is incorporated in the cement remains harmless instead becomes a health hazard in the case where the fibers are released into the air. At this point, it is essential to take safety procedures to remove it.

Procedures for the disposal of asbestos

The plates must be pre-wet with glue or paint products in order to prevent the carcinogenic fibers to break away from the concrete and thus rid the air. Plates must remain intact so it banned the use of mechanical equipment such as a drill, electric hammer, etc… The shift is done strictly by hand with special tools with a vacuum system. Personnel should wear a suit ” disposable ” with a hat, a dust mask, disposable gloves, and sturdy shoes.

Dispose of asbestos

The plates and other asbestos materials must be locked up in packing not perishable, so bags or other containers. (Absolutely forbidden to use the trash can!) For parts with the asbestos area of ​​less than 30/40 square meters and with a weight below 450 kg, you may remove it yourself, and give the material to the company which manages local disposal.

The big slabs, stacked waiting to be transferred to the landfill, must be protected with plastic sheeting sealed. All materials must be labeled in accordance with the law and brought in approved landfills for the disposal of eternity.

In order to avoid the dispersion of asbestos-containing dust and debris, even the plastic sheeting used during construction will be sprayed with the same impregnating substances before being removed, then, shall be folded, bagged and united with the material to be disposed of. All surfaces of the work area, including furniture and tools used, will be thoroughly cleaned wet.

In the case of works outside the land must be thoroughly cleaned of any residual cement-asbestos. During all these operations, you should not smoke or eat. Furthermore, in the case in which the bulk materials have led to the creation of piles of fibers or filamentary residues of asbestos in gutters or on other surfaces.

It is necessary to remove them, moistening them with water to obtain a slurry, which must be collected with the spatulas within disposable containers or bagged in plastic bags with double cloth (and stopped with resistant adhesive tape).

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