This is a peculiar gadget, its name is eco button and is literally an ecological push button when you want to save energy. It is not good to learn that, according to a survey conducted by Microsoft, 70% of users leave the computer running overnight. This results in large amounts of wasted electricity. The energy that can be saved with our eco button.
This interesting green gadget costs just over $20 and connects to the home computer or notebook via a USB port. When your computer is running, and the user is about to get away from it, just press the ecological button to start a high-energy saving process.
Eco Button, connected to the notebook via USB port, launches what the software calls ” ecomode “, set a set of parameters to increase energy efficiency and consequently, savings. On the return, the user will have to do more than push his ecological button again.
The manufacturer ensures that the computer will save a lot of energy and that the performance of the operating system will not be minimally compromised: the computer in power-saving mode ” Will wake up ” instantly, without any annoying expectation.
The Eco Button comes with software that will allow you to monitor energy waste and above all, it will give you a way to figure out how much energy you have saved. In a short time, with the eco button, you’ll save 20 euros – the cost of purchasing the product – and limit your CO2 emissions.
The Eco Button is a device that assures energy saving and allows you to make a difference with your PC so as to help you reduce your energy expenditure and safeguard the planet. The green gadget attached software will show you real savings both in terms of watts and money.
In this way, you will be motivated to follow the little behavioral changes that can make a difference in a concrete way, not at home, the Eco Button is ” a small click for a big change. ”
Useful Links >> Eco Button.